
Support our grassroots volunteer-led movement.

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Join our legion of Americans who believe that the fight to save our nation begins with a ceasefire among ourselves. Become a member of Braver Angels for as low as $12/year. A member of Braver Angels is part of a national community—we are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents of all political persuasions. We form local alliances and hold local workshops and debates. We discuss our differences with civility and look for common ground. We encourage each other and we organize others do the same. We are a grassroots family fixing our broken politics from the bottom up.

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Braver Angels is leading the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide. Through community gatherings, real debates, and grassroots leaders working together, we’re creating hope — and showing Americans a braver way. Our focus is not on changing people’s views, but on changing people’s views of one other.